Bot Image, Inc., a Nebraska and Maine based Artificial Intelligence medical device company (www.botimageai.com), demonstrated through partnerships in the radiology and urology communities that its novel 3D prostate tumor modeling of detected lesions is reimbursable by Medicare and United Healthcare. These 3D outputs can greatly assist Oncologists in treatment planning and targeting.
Bot Image’s artificial intelligence software, ProstatID®, received FDA clearance June 23, 2022 for its software outputs generated from interpretation of prostate MRIs. From the 510(k) Summary: Output of the device includes the {3D} volume of the prostate and locations, as well as the extent of suspect lesions, with index scores indicating the likelihood that cancer is present, as well as an exam score by way of PI-RADs interpretation suggestion. “Extent of suspect lesions” refers to both the assessment of the boundary of a particular abnormality, as well as identification of multiple abnormalities. In cases where multiple abnormalities are present, ProstatID can be used to assess each abnormality independently.

CPT code 76377 when used in conjunction with a suitable CT, MRI (CPT 72195,72197 – Pelvis MRI wo, w&wo contrast), or a transrectal ultrasound (CPT 76872) are accepted by both Medicare and United Healthcare.
ProstatID improves early cancer detection while decreasing false positives using non-contrast MRI. Dr. Eric M Walser, MD John Sealy Distinguished Chairman and Professor of Radiology at University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas added: “ProstatID allows radiologists a three-dimensional view of the relevant findings synthesized from the hundreds of images obtained during multiparametric prostate MRI. This map not only improves diagnosis but also guides the proceduralist during biopsies to target suitable areas and minimize overdiagnosis of clinically insignificant lesions.”
The software is not only an aid to radiologists but also urologists. Dr. D. Russell Locke, MD of Vantage Urologic Institute stated “In my practice, I have seamlessly integrated ProstatID’s 3D outputs into cognitive biopsies, surpassing the limitations of traditional fusion systems. The precision and clarity provided by ProstatID’s axial and coronal views have significantly enhanced biopsy procedures, ensuring precise alignment and optimal treatment guidance.”
A additional added benefit is the ease-of-use provided by the software through its hands free operation and near real-time diagnostic outputs as a software-as-a-service (SAAS) model connected to the physician imaging PACS, MRI, and/or viewing stations. The organ and lesion volumes are accurately measured and reported making targeting and dosage calculations much easier and more accurate.